Archive for 'Personal notes and thoughts'


A personal aside

by RedHeadBaker, in: Personal notes and thoughts

I started my writing “career” when I was very young. One of my first forays into the world of words was actually a cookbook that got me into the Young Authors finals (I think) when I was in maybe first or second grade. It was called The Learn to Cook Book and included recipes like:

    Apple pie (bake at 2 degrees for 1 minute)
    Chicken (cook 80 pounds of chicken at 10 degrees for 9 hours)
    Grapes (wash and eat – YUM!)

I was nothing if not creative! And was lucky enough to get the first draft and the final versions back at my cook book-themed bridal shower (thanks mom for keeping it all those years!).


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Crumbs but not forgotten!

by RedHeadBaker, in: Personal notes and thoughts

The first projects I’m going to display were all done in the past, but are worthy of showcasing. I’ll note when and what the occasion was as often as I remember  🙂

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